Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's 2008! Time for some new resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!

With the start of a new year, comes a new list of resolutions.
I have a good feeling about 2008. It's gonna be a good year for me, i can tell.
So this year, my goal is to make some SMART resolutions. Ya know, Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely, SMART!
Well here I go with my list, wish me luck!

* Read 8 books (specifically Poisonwood Bible, Brothers K, the World is Flat)
* Make a minimum of 3 posts a month
* Give up 1 thing a month (Jan. i'm giving up soda)
* Brush up on my Japanese
* Pay off my UO loan and 20% of my CU loan
* Do 1 new thing a week
* Watch less tv and work out more
* Go to church more
* Learn how to say "no"(something i really struggle with)
* Learn the Michael Jackson "Thriller" dance by Halloween

I'm pretty sure i had a few more that I can't remember at the moment, so I guess this is it.
Well cheers to 2008, to you, to your family and to your friends!

Peace. I'm out.

- Kangsta


Bostonita said...

LOL!!! Okay crazy, its my resolution to learn the Thriller dance too!!!

I read poisonwood bible this Christmas. it's GOOD!

Stu Holdren said...

Mine was run 365 miles... a bit to easy, but awesome I think!