Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tune of the Day: Ghetto Gospel

There's nothing like a good tune to pump you up. And that tune, for me, today is.... drum roll please: drummmmmmmmmm rollllllll..... "Ghetto Gospel" by 2Pac f/ Elton John. Yes, its true. The song was released in 2004, on 2Pac's album Loyal to the Game. It's truly a brilliant remix with two of the smoothest most gangsta artists of all time. Don't even pretend like you don't agree. Elton John is one BAMF! Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tips from My Online Life Coach

Every now and then i feel the need to hear some wise words of wisdom, some food for thought, a time where i can just take a moment to stop and think and reflect...

Which is why I decided to sign up with the My Life Coach blog to receive life tips from Coach Michele. I'm not exactly sure how i found the blog and I don't even remember signing up to receive their eNewsletter, but earlier this week i opened my inbox to find a nice little surprise waiting for me, some "Soul Food" as I like to call it (No, not actual food like macaroni and cheese and fried chicken, even though those are both good for the soul as well).

This is the first eNewsletter I've received from Michele but I really like her suggestions, especially #4 and #5. If you like her tips too, go to this site and sign up to receive her newsletters:

Creating Your Ideal Life

Feeling Great About You – 10 Suggestions

by Michele Caron

1. Make very few promises. Keep them. Especially promises to yourself.

2. Speak-up about what is true for you.

3. Don’t be around people or circumstances that are not healthy for you. Instead, endeavor to be around people and in places that energize you!

4. Know what you love. Focus on maximizing those things in your life.

5. Be really “present” with others. Be peaceful in your own mind and heart, listen, observe, and be in the moment. (Really, this applies to all moments of your life, not just around others!)

6. Forget about how you’d like to look. Love how you look right now.

7. Feel free to be yourself. The right people will love and appreciate you, the wrong people don’t matter.

8. Forget about judging others; who’s right and who’s wrong. Everyone is doing the best they can in the circumstances they find themselves in. Including you. Instead, just concentrate on what is true and best for you.

9. Live a lifestyle that you know is healthy for your body, heart, mind and spirit. If you are not, don’t judge yourself, just start making it better today.

10. Connect with the wonderful feeling of love and all of its variations as often as possible.

© Michele Caron, 2008. Michele is a consultant, entrepreneur, and Life/Career Coach. She can help you create your ideal life! Simply contact her at for a free initial coaching session by phone. There are also many career and life resources at her web site, You may redistribute or post this article on the web, as long as this copyright notice and link remain intact.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Daniel Day Lewis' Tribute to Heath Ledger

The 2008 SAG awards were on TBS last night. Daniel Day Lewis won the award for best actor in his portrayal of a greedy oil hungry businessman in "There Will Be Blood." In receiving his award, he made a very touching speech and tribute to Heath Ledger. When an attributed, well respected actor takes the time to acknowledge the work and talent of their peers, one cannot help but be touched by the level of comraderie and respect they have for each other. It made me cry.

"Its always been the work of other actors and there are many actors in this room tonight including my fellow nominees who have given me the sense of regeneration and um... Heath Ledger gave it to me... in "Brokeback Mountain" he was perfect. And that scene in the trailer at the end of the film is as moving as anything i have ever seen and i would like to dedicate this to Heath Ledger."

Here's a video of Daniel Day Lewis' speech followed by a video from last year's SAG awards when Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger presented the film "Brokeback Mountain"
Enjoy. Its nice to know that he was appreciated

RIP Heath

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RIP Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger was found dead in his bed by his housekeeper and masseuse today at 3:35 PM EST. Word on the street is that he died of a drug overdose. He was only 28-years-old.

I first fell in love with Mr. Ledger in 1999 when he starred in the film "10 Things I Hate About You" as Patrick Verona. What a waste of a beautiful beautiful man. Other than Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Leonardo DiCaprio, he was probably one of my first celebrity crushes.

Seeing as how the theatres have just started promoting the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight" where Heath plays the Joker, I think his death is and will generate an exceptional amount of buzz and anticipation around the film.

I obviously never met Heath Ledger, but i did see his ex-wife Michelle Williams and their daughter Matilda at a quaint little breakfast joint in Portland called Besaw's (NW 23rd and Savier).

Its really a tragedy and so sad to see him go... only 28. This is just another reminder that life is short and we need to appreciate who we are, those we love, what we have and to live life to the fullest.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's 2008! Time for some new resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!

With the start of a new year, comes a new list of resolutions.
I have a good feeling about 2008. It's gonna be a good year for me, i can tell.
So this year, my goal is to make some SMART resolutions. Ya know, Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely, SMART!
Well here I go with my list, wish me luck!

* Read 8 books (specifically Poisonwood Bible, Brothers K, the World is Flat)
* Make a minimum of 3 posts a month
* Give up 1 thing a month (Jan. i'm giving up soda)
* Brush up on my Japanese
* Pay off my UO loan and 20% of my CU loan
* Do 1 new thing a week
* Watch less tv and work out more
* Go to church more
* Learn how to say "no"(something i really struggle with)
* Learn the Michael Jackson "Thriller" dance by Halloween

I'm pretty sure i had a few more that I can't remember at the moment, so I guess this is it.
Well cheers to 2008, to you, to your family and to your friends!

Peace. I'm out.

- Kangsta