Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What is a Palindrome?

Hi! 안녕하세요! Hola! こんにちは!
Welcome to my blog!
I'm excited to write this blog and i hope you're excited to read what I have to say.
As of right now, I plan on writing about, I guess, pretty much anything I want.
Just know that it'll pretty much be the best thing you will ever read ;)

Now, you might be asking yourself:
What in the world is a Palindrome?
A 23 sided figure? An African Beetle? A spell from Harry Potter?

Well, let me enlighten you...
A Palindrome is a word/phrase/# that you can spell the same forwards and backwards,
like my name:

Hannah= hannaH.
Cool, i know :)

Here are a few of my favorites:

Race Car
Step on no pets
Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog
A link to the longest palindrome EVER

Well that's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you again soon :)

- HK


Jason said...

First post!

Awesome to see you blogging. Keep it up!

Stu Holdren said...

My favorite palindrome?

Solo gigolos

Ambs said...

I like it hannah! good job! :)